Easterly Wind Storm in Progress

11:30am Tuesday…

PDX has seen a peak gust of 49 mph so far…so wind-wise everything is going as planned.  Looks like tons of power outages across the entire region…not just in any one location. I haven’t seen evidence of mountain-wave activity yet, although it’s obvious this is a “downslope” event for now…Portland’s peak wind gust is about the same as Corbett in the Gorge so far!  Always a sure sign with that.

Is this it?  I don’t think so…in fact I wouldn’t be surprised to see it even a bit stronger in spots this evening and overnight.  The WRF-GFS still shows 70kt wind a couple thousand feet up over the metro area during the night.


The high winds will continue for another 24 hours…hang on!

Models are overdoing the cold air; not a big surprise.  Temps are in the mid 40s at The Dalles and approaching 40 in Pasco.  Of course there will be more cooling for tomorrow, but I would guess the airmass temperature is running 5 degrees warmer than models had shown based on current Cascade temps and lower elevation spots.  That makes me feel better about the snow/ice thoughts in the previous post.

Chief Meteorologist Mark Nelsen

19 Responses to Easterly Wind Storm in Progress

  1. Jason Hougak says:

    Pulled and replaced 700′ well pump above cove palisades. Water froze to ground and inside pipe. 34F in the sun with a steady N wind. Waters flowing and heading back. Coming over blue box pass had 27F with snow flurries.

  2. Wendy-Silverlake says:

    I don’t know if this helps your forecasting or not, but we just developed east winds (at least from the way the trees are leaning) and the humidity went from 48 to 36 in the last few minutes as well.

  3. Kim says:

    Hubby has been stuck on Cornelius Pass for over 2 hrs due to downed tree across the road! Still waiting for PGE…. hope other trees stay in place!

  4. WEATHERDAN says:

    Sunny and 56 in Salem at 12:30 PM. Might hit 60. Winds are N gusting to 15 MPH. Had our first frost of the season as we dropped to 32. So far the big cold push has been a big bust in Salem. Yesterday the NWS had Salem at 40-45 today. This morning they had it at 45-50. Now it;s more like 55-60. That;s almost a 20 degree difference. DP is down to 25 however so it still yet get cooler but as of now just a mild breezy Autumn day. Peace.

  5. Getting breezy up here in Cowlitz County!

  6. runrain says:

    Just as well. It’s just too early for snow right now. As Charlie Brown used to say The flakes aren’t ripe yet.

    Just now getting some gusts around the 40mph mark here in Happy Valley. Maybe we’ll be the recipient of some of those stronger winds later tonight.

  7. alohabb says:

    Over 25k without power in metro area and growing!

  8. Andrew (Beaverton) says:

    NWS has put a chance of snow into the forecast for the Portland area now…interesting.

    Also, i know the point and click forecast is a total joke, but interesting to see they have 1-3 inches listed for the 500 foot level of the West Hills.

    As a side note, many times in the past we have seen these scanrios play out longer than expected as the gorge winds are never properly portrayed by the models. Any thoughts on this?

  9. W7ENK says:

    Lots of power outages popping up, but still fairly scattered (meaning nothing widespread… yet.)

  10. alohabb says:

    Just has a gust at 41. Branches everywhere! I also saw a whole sheet of plywood fly across the road!