Nice Weekend Ahead

Looks like a perfect early July weekend ahead.

Ridge of high pressure still centered well to our east this evening (Utah/Colorado).  Southwesterly flow between it and a trough way offshore sent a disturbance up across Oregon today.  Nice series of storms developed mainly in the Central Cascades and then again over far eastern Oregon where they are still in progress as of 8pm.

Lack of onshore flow for one day really allowed the temp to spike today.  91 at PDX gives us our 5th day above 90 already by June 30th.  In an average summer we could expect 10 90+ days from July-September.  So it’ll be interesting to see if this is a taste of the rest of summer, or just an unusually warm start.

Onshore flow is up quite a bit this evening as gradients from OTH-PDX and PDX-DLS are quite a bit stronger than Thursday evening.  This should push our temps back down 3-6 degrees tomorrow.  At least that’s the FIRST LIVE LOCAL forecast plan for now. 

As for thunderstorms, I don’t see a good trigger to give us storms anywhere west of the Cascades this weekend.  One disturbance may come through Sunday afternoon, but it’s quite similar to today’s.  I expect storms will remain over the Cascades each afternoon in south or southwesterly upper-level flow.

ALL models have a cooldown by the middle of next week.  I see that last 2 GFS runs have a sharp shortwave trough and at least a few showers Thursday/Friday.  We could use a bit of rain since it’s been 2 weeks dry at PDX.

Enjoy the long weekend…I know some of you have a 4 day weekend planned!  Mark Nelsen

125 Responses to Nice Weekend Ahead

  1. Derek-West Gresham says:

    42.3 and slow dropping, really. It seems that we will probably be about 5-8 degrees warmer than the dalles while the east wind is blowing. Weather channel predicts 22 for them tonight but I wouldn’t be surprised to see them hit 17-20. Which could still mean 23-28 tonight. I hope so. If that does happen then I hope the wind cranks up. I sure wish Justin were here to help us at a time like this. I think his e-mail he puts on here is either fake or he never reads it.

  2. Derek-West Gresham says:

    42.4, windy here. I kinda hope the wind stops just because I want a rediculously cold night. I only want it to continue if we will still make it to the twenties. As it cools down in the basin it should send cooler winds out this way.

  3. Jesse says:

    I drove to Larch Mountain again today this afternoon. Fall colors were brilliant on the drive up, and the view of the gorge from Chanticleer Point near Corbett was beautiful. There were light winds on top but it was cold, 24 degrees at about 3:30 in the afternoon.Hiked around a little bit. The ground was all crunchy with little blades of ice sticking out of the dirt. Mt. Hood and Rainier have a heavy new coat of snow. There was even a coat of snow on many of the trees in the valley surrounding Mount Hood.
    37.9 here now, dewpoint is down to 23.8, calm winds…

  4. Tyler in Vancouver says:

    Last night at 7 it was 42, right now it is already down to 41 degrees with a dewpoint of 22. There is no wind to speak of here, so it could be a very cold night. Who knows though, maybe the east wind will break through, usually it doesn’t happen overnight though, only with daytime heating.

  5. Jesse says:

    Hey Andrew I’m not too far behind you, down to 38.8 with a dewpoint of 24 and calm winds, and its not even 6:30…

  6. Droppin(Rob)-Southeast Portland says:

    Well I just watched Wronga Shelby’s forecast. She showed the wind chart and however long the arrow is the more intense the wind. She showed an insanely long arrow and said winds over 45mph. Then I watched Matt Zaffino and he said winds up to 45mph. Well in my experience everytime Channel 8 or 2 has forecasted east winds over 40mph it always ends up being more like 50-65mph. We shall see. I am already down to 42.6. The KDLS – KPDX gradient is up to 2.5MB. The pressure is falling at KPDX and rising at a decent clip at KDLS so.

  7. Andrew says:

    The temperature here is dropping at an insane rate, currently 30.8 degrees outside with a dewpoint of 16.1

  8. Derek-West Gresham says:

    46.2 and still dropping rapidly, about at the same pace as yesterday, only its at least two degrees cooler, and tonight no worries about low clouds or fog.

  9. Derek-West Gresham says:

    I hope so Droppin. Its 47.1 now and quickly dropping, apparently a dew point of 15 now!

  10. Tyler in Vancouver says:

    Down to 47 at my house, and the sun hasn’t even set yet. Dewpoint is at 20, very light east wind here.

  11. Droppin(Rob)-Southeast Portland says:

    KDLS to KPDX gradient is 2.2MB now and increasing. Yeah Derek I also have gusts near or above 30mph now. I think by late tonight it’s going to be roaring.

  12. Derek-West Gresham says:

    48.4. Dropping at about a rate of 3 degrees per hour. Bound to slow down but its a good sign. Dew point still dropping slowly.

  13. Derek-West Gresham says:

    48.9 now with 27% humidity. Dew point of 16.

  14. Derek-West Gresham says:

    That would probably bring about the worst flooding ever. Winds are picking up here noticably. Dew point around 17 still. Probably gusting to 25mph or maybe a little higher. I expect we will cool some this evening but our real cooling may occur in the late night hours. As far as how it feels, its interesting. The wind, even the slightest breeze is extremely cold. Probably because its so dry it sucks the moisture and heat out of us haha.

  15. Andrew says:

    Interesting to see the local news station up here forcasting some good old fashioned winter weather coming.
    Tonight: 12, clear
    Tuesday: 43, clear
    Tuesday Night: 11, clear
    Wednesday: 42, cloudy
    Wednesday Night: 20, freezing rain
    Thursday: 44, freezing rain
    Thursday Night: 28, freezing rain/snow

  16. Andrew says:

    wow, can you imagine what 19 inches of rain would do lol, thats insane!

  17. Droppin(Rob)-Southeast Portland says:

    I got down to 31.2 this morning. I have east winds 15-25mph and I’m rather surprised I have any considering the KDLS to KPDX gradient is only at 1.7. I hope it increases tonight and it should substansially.

  18. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Have you looked at the insane precip amounts it gives in the 12z for troutdale. It gives us almost 19 inches of rain! Its KTTD on the meteostar site. And I am glad to see the snow back in there, its reasonable if it keeps throwing it in there.

  19. Ryan says:

    Good news from the Portland Meteogram! It has once again stuck snow back into the forcast for the 9th-11th. It just doesn’t want to let that go.

  20. Derek-West Gresham says:

    If your 38 now, your bound to fall to 15 or lower tonight. And thats where our air comes from 🙂

  21. Derek-West Gresham says:

    My thero says a dew point of 18! Thats insane.

  22. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Alright, sounds good. Your probably right about the robot thing. I think 51 here now. Still looking chilly tonight, especially for Andrew.

  23. Ryan says:

    I am getting the robot as well. I’m guessing its a built in function of the application to robot check all posts older than 30 days I would imagine.

  24. Andrew says:

    still only 38 degree here with a dewpoint of 19.7

  25. Andrew says:

    haha yes! my 9:00am english professor cancelled class tomorrow due to it most likely being in the low teens tomorrow morning. She said she did not want us out walking around in those temps haha. I am hoping i get as close to the 10 degree mark as i can either tonight or tomorrow. I am thinking i should get as low as 12 at least by tomorrow night.
    Also, i believe many areas around Portland should at least hit the mid 20’s tonight.

  26. Ryan says:

    Sounds like an idea. I’ll move it to the SE corner of the house where there aren’t any trees or other objects to cover it up. Right now the unit in the front of the house isn’t all that far away from the front door. The one in the back yard is on the edge of our covered porch.

  27. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Jesse’s Comment – Having Trouble getting here he tells me.
    I got down to 28.3 last night. More fog formed than I thought would though. That shouldn’t be a problem though tonight, with the increasing easterly gradient. I think tonight we actually have a chance of breaking the record low for Halloween at PDX, both the 2002 and 2003 Cold snaps didn’t have their coldest low temps until after Halloween, so the record low for Halloween for PDX sits at an easy-to-break 31. It was 32 at PDX last night so we should have no trouble getting a record cold Hallween out of this!
    By the way, I just checked my E-mail before I got on here, Derek, thanks again for keeping me updated with the goings on. I would have never known to go on June 30th to find everyone.

  28. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Hey even PDX hit 32 last night, first freeze for them. Its about 10 days early too, sign of things to come? I sure hope so. I am getting the robot every time but its better than not posting at all. 🙂

  29. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Ryan, if at all possible. Find a good spot to move your thermo on the roof, even in my apartment complex, mine is on the roof and you could probably do the same thing if you are in one of those. You most likely had at least 32 but your thermo is in a bad spot. I used to record readings like yours until I moved mine to a good spot.

  30. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Definately headed for a cold night tonight. Temps are hanging right under 50 to all the people who said it was impossible yesterday. lol Dew points are down around 20 and dropping. Tonight we could easily be in the 24-28 range. Depending on how cold the air becomes that we will be feeding from. Anywhere where the wind does not blow will probably hit the teens tonight! Crazy stuff.

  31. Andrew says:

    It’s going to get down right chilly here tonight. I expect somewhere in the range of 12-14 degrees and then tomorrow night 11-14 degrees.

  32. Ryan says:

    I was just looking at the dew points and almost everyone is sitting in the low 20’s right now. Looks like just about everyone will break the 30 degree barrier tonight.

  33. Ryan says:

    Morning folks, I was really surprised to see all insanity on the blogs late last night before I went to bed. It got down to 34 at my house last night with frost on the cars and the house.
    Speaking of which, how the heck can we have frost on houses and cars when the temp is sitting at 34? Never could figure that one out. Unless we got below 32 before it fogged up. Weird.
    I noticed the meteogram has removed the snow from its forcast.

  34. Andrew says:

    I ended up getting down to 22 degrees last night, currently 24.

  35. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Gradient now 2.7mb, certainly should feel east winds within an hour or two. Isn’t 3 mb the point where we usually start to feel them.

  36. Derek-West Gresham says:

    East Winds are blowing in Corbett to 21mph.

  37. Derek-West Gresham says:

    Gradient now at +2.0 mb. East winds should get going within a couple hours. Until then we stay in teh thirties with fog.

  38. Derek-West Gresham says:

    I fell to 28.4 last night! But the fog moved in and not its 34.3, going to be a cold day. It wont warm up with the fog around.

  39. Rob(Droppin)-Southeast Portland says:

    KDLS to KPDX gradient is still -1.5. I really expected it to be nearly flat by now, but I still except the east wind to begin develop at locations such as Larch Mtn.(Washington) and Corbett after 4:00 AM.

  40. Rob(Droppin)-Southeast Portland says:

    Lol hey Derek. Ty for the e-mails. I had no idea what had happened earlier on the blog. I saw some Tina Lopez person and next thing I know it appeared EVERYONE was being impostered. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Btw it’s 34.7 here.

  41. Derek-West Gresham says:

    This is pretty sneaky but THESE are still open, so lets post here. lol 34.5! By the way I am posting this in late October for anybody reading this later.

  42. Dmitri K says:

    Getting a great view of dark storm clouds here in Oregon City to my east/southeast.

  43. salemphil says:

    just got home from some errands and I got lucky enough to see a flash of lightning from (I believe)the cell in southern clackamas county. It is labeled Z1 on the weather underground.

  44. Droppin says:

    Yeah Sean it’s intensified. Hey what’s going on over in your neck of the woods?

  45. Droppin says:

    Well that’s weird. I just ran the radar loop and that little cell appears to me that it has a little twist to it. I’m sure I’m wrong Lol. It’s up to 60dbz Yay!