Hot at The Beaches!

4pm Sunday…

Just got into work and saw these temps…wow!


The east wind is doing the trick. Most of the metro area is in the lower 80s, but the strong wind areas from PDX to Troutdale are a few notches cooler.  A bit less wind tomorrow and warmer atmosphere means well into the 80s.  We should set 3 records for today, Monday, & Tuesday as high pressure and offshore flow holds through most of Tuesday

Here’s the view at 4pm from our Chinook Winds camera…you don’t see that temperature out there very often!


More later this evening when I get a chance to delve into maps/models a bit more

Chief Meteorologist Mark Nelsen

4 Responses to Hot at The Beaches!

  1. Pleasantly warm conditions here today; I recorded a maximum of 72F. We had a mainly overcast layer of cirrus and a light wind off the water to keep the temperature down. Tomorrow, however, I could see my earliest 80F(or higher) day ever. Previous earliest was April 27, 1987. (81F)

  2. Paul D says:

    Come back April!

  3. WX Ninja says:

    Spent yesterday and most of today in Lincoln City. It actually wasn’t overly crowded and the offshore flow was obvious as the marine layer never approached the coastline. Most likely the warmest day I’ve ever experienced at the coast, I have had a handful of other nice days down there though. The biggest thing this weather nerd noticed was the warmth of the wind coming off of the land vs. the cool ocean water. I’m sure my wife loved hearing me explain that offshore flow is what was making it so nice down there.

    • Boydo3 N. Albany says:

      You should’ve been there today. My wife and I were and it was really too warm. At one point the temp was 89 degrees! And the shore pines were pollenating making for a weird dusty drive on parts of 101 between Waldport and Newport.